Mission Baskets, Mission Basketry, Mission Indian Basket Weavers, Mission Basket Art, Mission Indian Art, Mission Basket Weaving photos, pictures, pics, images of the Native American California Indians coiled juncus basket art.



Eva Salazar, Kumeyaay Indian from San Jose de la Zorra, displays a so-called MISSION BASKET -- a coiled juncus basket she is currently weaving with a large rattlesnake motif and tribal designs.

SIZE: (unfinished)
Diameter: # inches
Height: # inches
Materials: Juncus, Black Dyed Juncus, Deergrass Foundation

Basket Maker: Eva Salazar, Kumeyaay

The Kumeyaay-Diegueno Yuman Indians of Southern California, southwest Arizona and northern Baja California, Mexico, have been hand weaving coiled juncus baskets for thousands of years.

The greater Southern California Indian basket weavers include the Diegueno Kumeyaay Kumiai, Juaneño Juaneno, Quechan, Cocopah Cucapa, Mohave, Pai Pai Paipai, Ipai Tipai, Hualapai, Kiliwa, Havasupai, Yavapai, Maricopa, Cahuilla, and Luiseño Luiseno Indians of southwest USA, North America.

It's only been within the last 150 years or so that the California Native basket makers, and their Native American basket art, have been generalized and labeled mission Indian art as Mission Baskets, Mission Basketry, Mission Indian Basket Weavers, Mission Basket Art, and Mission Basket Weaving crafts.

The "Mission" label came about as a result of the Native peoples being forced into the Mission Systems and a marketing scheme to associate the California Native American ethnographic arts and crafts with the Spanish Missions and California Missions so the Indian art could be easier sold to European immigrant settlers.


Indigenous tribal ejido community of Mission Indian juncus basket weavers, a professional on-line multimedia documentary.


The traditional Diegueño Luiseño house shelter hut -- EWAA or WA in the Kumeyaay language -- pictured behind the basket maker was constructed in October 2005 adjacent to Shumup Ko Hup, Eva Salazar's California Indian store in San Diego Old Town State Historic Park and it was used in her Mission basket photograph.

DIEGUENO-LUISENO Kumeyaay-style 'ewaa ancient house or kicha Indian shelter of aboriginal California Indians photo and movie documentary
from planning to completion, professionally photographed and video to cultural movie DVD, written and produced by Shumup Ko Hup and KUMEYAAY.INFO as a special multimedia project for the Old Town San Diego State Historic Park.

The ewaa is approximately 13 feet in diameter by eight feet in height. The 'ewaa is part of a KUMEYAAY.INFO MOVIE DOCUMENTARY and is constructed of local willow branches for framing, agave fiber rope for binding the willow frame, and tulle tule or cattail reeds thatching for the walls ceiling roof.

The state park system and the California Indians plan to use ewaa as tourist attraction and Indigenous cultural center to educate state park visitors and students about the original California Indian peoples from the San Diego Old Town area.

California Indian 'ewaa by: Fausto Diaz, Kumeyaay from San Jose de la Zorra.

Eva Salazar's authentic California Indian Kumeyaay baskets Mission Baskets may be purchased from Shumup Ko Hup Native American store and gift shop located in Old Town, San Diego.

Mission Basket pictures by G BALLARD PHOTOGRAPHY, San Diego.

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